Friday, April 9, 2010

Trade Show Flooring

I see, marketing is most important thing to make a company goes up. I am very interesting in this case, cause the first.... my background is degree in economic hehehe, and second reason is without a good marketing plan , the company will down.
Nowadays , a lot of ways to make the marketing plan , and it is include promotion on trade show flooring and trade show carpet.
This is a great idea , cause we always makes exhibition, peoples comes, so it is so nice if the carpet has our company's name. the carpet also can have a digitally printed too. You can imagine how cool it is.
Our invitations comes, they walk in, looks of the flooring, and they will have a good impression at this advertisement. I was invited an exhibition few weeks ago, and I saw that the company has their logo mats. They designed it with very cool and it looks so matching with the floor , mats and the logo canopy too. So how about your opinion ? Do you agree with me ?

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