Sunday, May 4, 2008

Nonstick pans can cause cancer ?

Is it right or not that nonstick pans can cause cancer ? This is a serious question for me , I saw it at today's news on MSN. I have a nonstick pan and almost every I use it. I make my eggs with this pan.
It said that we shouldn't be heated nonstick pan over 500°F. The chemical behind this scare is perfluorooctanoic acid, or PFOA, a substance used to make nonstick coating. In animals, high levels of PFOA (also found in stain-resistant carpets, microwave popcorn bags, and pizza boxes) have been linked to cancer, low birth weight, and other health problems.
So what should we do ....wait..I see the solutions too in this news.
Simple safety step:
Add water or oil to the pan when you turn on the flame to absorb heat — and never raise temps above medium-high. Because PFOA can escape when the nonstick surface degrades, toss the pan if you see scratches or particles flaking into food.

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