Friday, June 21, 2013

Function of Flax Seeds

Flax have lots of fatty acid.  it contains two essential fats , omega 3 fatty acids and omega 6 fatty acids , it is also  as well as fiber and protein .So it is very good on our diet . We can eat the flax oil directs to our mouth , or can add it at top of our salad. But should not cook it because high temperature can make this oil  into harmful carcinogens.
We can also taking flax with other nutrients such as vitamin E, vitamin B6, magnesium and carotene. It can increase flax's benefits.Vitamin E and flax both can  fight free radicals and  unstable molecules that cause chronic diseases like heart disease and cancer. It is known that vitamin E and flax also help to reduce blood clot formation.
But this flax is not easy to digest. we must grin or soaking it before consume.

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